roth ira for college

Smart to Use Roth IRA for College

Should I use my Roth IRA for college? As a former financial planner, I would often get these questions from clients who read something somewhere. Much like patients asking doctors about drugs they heard about on TV, such questions rarely ended up being a good idea. When it comes to …

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college invest university

CollegeInvest 529 Plan Fees Reduced

It’s always nice to get good news. CollegeInvest 529 Reduces Feeds for Direct Portfolio According to a recent release from CollegeInvest CEO Angela Baier, the administrative fee for the CollegeInvest Direct Portfolio was reduced from 0.32% to 0.31% on August 1, 2021. That means more of those college savings dollars …

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which 529 plan is right

Do I Need a Financial Advisor?

To read financial advice magazines and websites, you might think that anyone who uses a financial advisor is either dumb, or very rich. These money publications all say that with a little research and education, everyone should be able to do all financial planning and investing themselves to achieve financial …

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covid student loan relief

Covid Student Loan Relief Ending Soon

In March, the government began offering options to help benefit borrowers with student loans during the Covid pandemic. The Covid student loan benefits were to stop collecting on student loans, to charge 0% interest rates on student loans, and to suspend student loan payments. Basically, you could turn off paying …

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