Credit cards can be a very useful financial tool. Not only do some services and products require a credit card, but there are many cases where carrying and using credit cards is a smarter alternative to using cash or checks. Additionally, if used correctly, credit cards can pay for themselves and in some cases even make money for credit card owners. If that were not enough, using credit cards and paying them off regularly is the single fastest way to build and improve your credit score and develop strong credit reports.
Reward Credit Card Reviews
- Capital One No Hassle Rewards Catalog
- Citibank Rewards Elite Card ThankYou Network
- Capital One Rewards Catalog
- Capital One World Mastercard No Hassle Rewards Miles
- United Airlines Dining Rewards Earning Miles for Eating
- Southwest Credit Card Review
- Amazon Rewards Credit Card Visa Signature
- VentureOne Card Review
- Barclaycard Rewards MasterCard review
- Merrick Bank Credit Card Review
- Granite Credit Card Review
The first step toward getting the most out of your credit cards is to get the right credit cards for you and then to maximize the programs and credit card rewards attached to those cards for your benefit. The resources here are designed to help you get the highest possible return for the lowest interest rate costs from your credit cards. See How to Compare Rewards Credit Cards.
Credit Card Rewards Program Reviews and Updates
- Capital One Rewards Catalog Holiday Edition
- Citibank Rewards Thank You Network Update
- Target Credit Card Rewards
- PayPal Debit Card Review
- Chase Sapphire Reserve
- Chase Sapphire Preferred
More updates to Credit Card reward programs and new updates to credit card points and miles catalogs:
- Capital One No Hassle Rewards – Gift Cards
- Fidelity Cash Back Credit Card
- Credit Card Rewards Catalog Update
Credit Card Rules, Regulations, and Laws
Banks must give customers 45 days of notice regarding most changes in financial terms and customers have the right to opt out of those changes by agreeing to have the account closed. Once the credit card has been canceled, customers can continue to pay off the credit card account under the original terms of the agreement.
While these laws are great news for bank customers that were routinely taken advantage of by onerous credit card industry practices, they also have the practical effect of making credit cards less profitable than they used to be for banks and financial institutions. That means that many credit card issuers are slowly becoming less generous with their points, miles, and credit card rewards programs. If you need to file a complaint about credit card rules, contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Now, more than ever, it is important to make sure you are using the right credit card rewards program for you. Be sure and review information and updates you receive from your credit card company regarding your credit card account and your rewards program so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Also, keep up to date on the best credit card rewards programs so that you know what points and rewards are out there that you could be using.
Do my rewards points cover car service to and from the airport?
No. If there is a separate reward for car rental or shuttle service that would be one thing, but your plane ticket reward only covers the cost of the airplane ticket.
I have 45,000 points and would like to know how to use them. Please find me find a way better than this as to whats available to get for them. Help!
Login to your Capital One rewards website account and look for a link to Capital One Rewards. You can search via points or types of awards. By the way, you are 5,000 points away from the next major tier at 50,000, so if you don’t see anything that strikes your fancy, be sure to check the 50K point rewards and see if it is worth holding out.
It is very difficult to get into the online catalog to order merchandise. I had to use the telephone because it was too confusing to order online.