Free or Big Discount Software When You Buy TurboTax TaxACT or other Tax Software

I’ve been meaning to get a big comprehensive review of the various deals available on TurboTax, TaxACT, and other tax preparation programs, but frankly, there are so many and they are changing so fast that I can hardly keep up.  So instead, let me just throw it out there.  You can save a ton of money by buying your tax software and taking advantage of a sale.

Every year, everyone from Best Buy to Office Depot to Staples offers great deals when you buy your tax prep software at their store.  The deal isn’t necessarily on the price of the software, and if it is, it is usually on the basic version that may not handle everything.

Although, just a quick tip about TurboTax.  I got a free offer to use TurboTax basic online.  I own my house, and I run my own business and everything I needed was in the TurboTax basic version even though it kept asking me to upgrade to TurboTax Deluxe to make sure I didn’t miss out on any deductions.  Folks, the “hidden” or hard to find tax deductions usually are not going to apply to you unless you have very special circumstance.  In that case, you probably already know about them.  So, try the Basic version and if it doesn’t work out, you can go to Deluxe.  Or, even better, if it is just one extra piece, you can fill that form out manually.

Back to business.

Free Anti-Virus, Free Security, Free Internet Protection, and More

Back to the deals.  The biggest deals you will usually see come in the form of other software packages and programs you can get for dirt cheap, or totally free when you buy your tax program.  Usually TurboTax and TaxACT are the ones that get this treatment.

Almost always, an antivirus program is one of the programs you can get, along with Internet security applications, and things like clip-art, business programs, print shop like publishing programs and so on.  If you get TurboTax the deal can also include a deep discount on Quicken and QuickBooks.  That way, you can get your budgeting and business bookkeeping software at a big discount.

This is how I get my anti-virus subscription for free every year.  I check the ads in the Sunday paper each week and when they have a free McAfee or Norton, or whatever, I buy my copy of TurboTax and uninstall my anti-virus software and then re-install it with the new CD and key, and voilla, free brand name anti-virus software, and it is totally legal.

Check out this Sunday’s paper and see what you can find.

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