Summer Time!

We at Finance Gourmet (it’s just me, but I like saying that) are getting ready to gear up for summer. That means a few things. First, some of the articles around here are going to be about VACATIONS and things like credit card rewards programs, airline miles, and how to save money on travel.

Second, some of the articles are going to be focuses on outdoor activities and how you can take advantage of them while saving money, and living the good life.

Third, there is a WHOLE LOT of weird stuff going on in the world economically speaking. Regardless of what you think of President Trump, the stuff he is doing is bombastic, and not at all carefully implemented, so expect plenty of whipshaw from investors, the markets, and economic numbers.

Summer Time! 1

As always, a well balanced portfolio is the answer to all your long-term investing issues, but changes are probably necessary for your short-term stuff because the volatility isn’t going away.

And, finally, I’m “off” during the summer (I don’t have to go into an office anyway) so expect a bit of off-topic drift as me and the family have a whole lot of fun without breaking the bank, but still living up the good life.

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